Monday 23 July 2012

Discussion Forum

In the inaugural post I had mentioned about GURUPOURNIMA and how I got the golden opportunity to perform the PADYA PUJAN of Sadguru Bapu. In that post I had quoted my most loving verses from Shri Saisachharita. In subsequent post I had discussed how Shri Saisacharita has greatly influenced my life. Reading these posts, many of the readers through their comments have suggested me to start a DISCUSSION FORUM on Shri Saisacharita. I have liked this suggestion and am inclined to start such a forum on this blog. 


  1. Hari Om Dada. We are lucky to get your guidance on Shri Sai Satcharita. I would like to know the format of discussions. I mean, some prominent lines (ovi) shall be given and we are supposed to try to explain as per our understanding? or some stories (one at a time) shall be given for discussion? This is just out of curiosity. Your decision "sar akhonpar".

    Hari om
    Ashwiniveera Karmarkar

  2. HARI Om, DADA. I am very very pleased to know that you are going to start Discussion Forum on Shri Saisaccharit very soon. This is Shravan month i.e. month of SHRAVAN BHAKTI and it wiil be really a golden opportunity if we listen SADGURU'S BHAKTI MAHIMA from you. P.P. Suchit dada always advised me while receiving Panchsheel paper from Him that try to imbibe good BHAKTAS first character which is written in Shri Saisaccharit . First I could not understand meaning of Dada's words then later on He only explained to me to give up worries. Dada, we try to give up our worries when we think we are at Bapu's feet. But still DADA wants something should be more ... what that exactly means , how we can achieve and follow His words. Please guide us. I am sure only You can tell us what exactly DADA wants me and every Bapu bhakta to do so that we can really give up worries in real means as He and BAPU wants us to behave...
    Similarly in August month PANCHASHEEL exams. will start .. so this is nice advance preparation ...Here I remember our beloved Meena Vaini who always used to guide about our difficulties regarding Panchsheel exams and used to encourage us for writing..
    Thank u very very very much for opening new doors of discussion...
    Suneetaveera Karande

  3. that is such a grettttt news. we will be waiting for the same Dada. Shri Ram.

  4. Wow wow wow..... sorry, I should have said lotsa Shree Rams for the good news.

    What ever I have heard little from you in the forums and now through this blog, am amazed by the hold you have on the Saicharitra. Last week when I mentioned the same thing to my wife, she reminded me about Pujya Adya Pipa and his two coins.

    We indeed are gainers from this treasure.

    Shree Ram Bapu!

    Looking forward for the discussion forum excitedly....


    Sandeepsinh Mahajan

  5. Hari Om Dada,

    Shreeram for this wonderful thing.. Eagerly waiting for it. Truely this Shravan month will lead us to Shravan bhakti through your post.

    Hari Om
