Tuesday 24 July 2012

Narration of Experiences (Anubhav Kathan)

Since the past few weeks, on each Saturday at 7.30 p.m. office members, including the two CEOs and deputy CEO assemble on the 5th floor of Happy Home for Anubhav Kathan. I am personally present along with Swapnilsinh and Paurassinh. The Anubhav Kathan, which usually lasts for an hour or so, is a combination of live narration by a Shraddhavaan and viewing of Anubhav Kathans that have already been recorded on video.

On Saturday last, we watched the video recording of the Anubhav Kathan by Dr. Ramansinh Umralkar, which had been narrated by him at Shree Harigurugram, late last year. What came out clearly from his experience was that how the impossible becomes easily possible and how certain death is warded off by the Sadguru’s infinite grace, if one reposes one’s faith completely in the Sadguru and follows the Sadguru’s command (aadnya) to the last word, without harbouring the slightest doubt. 

Thereafter, we heard a live narration of experience by Mrs. Sarikaveera Leela who hails from Muscat.  She narrated how her young son fell down from the second floor of the building in which they stay and came out unscathed, without a single broken bone or an open wound. What she conveyed through her experience is that (a) distance is no constraint for the Sadguru and (b) He comes to your aid even without your having asked for it - provided you have complete faith in Him.

Listening to Anubhav Kathans not only reinforces our belief in our Sadguru but also tells us and teaches us how to respond in a challenging situation.

All of us who have read the Shri Sai Satcharita are aware that rather than being a biography of Shree Sainath, it is actually a beautiful narration of anecdotes of how the bhaktas came to experience Shree Sainath and how Shree Sainath showered His grace on them. It has been narrated to us by Shri Hemadpant, based on his compilation of the experiences. But today, we are extremely fortunate to be able to hear first hand, or through video recordings, from the Shraddhavaans themselves, how they have experienced the grace of Param Poojya Bapu. In other words, we are actually privy to an audio visual Bapu Charita!

We are now in the holy month of Shraavan. This is the month in which we should strive to do shravana bhakti, i.e. bhakti in the form of listening to the glories of the Sadguru.. I sincerely feel that all my friends should listen to atleast one experience of our Sadguru a day. I am confident this will surely have a far reaching impact on our progress on the path of bhakti.  

To watch and listen to anubhav of Dr. Ramansinh Umralkar you click the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eaeh-F2UuS8&feature=plcp


  1. श्री बापूंचा महिमा अपरंपार आहे आणि याची प्रचीती मला प्रत्येक अनुभव ऐकताना येत राहते. कारुण्याचा सागर सदगुरू म्हणजे नक्की काय त्याचे जिवंत प्रक्टिकल म्हणजे हे अनुभव कथन. आणि याचा लाभ श्रवण भक्तीसाठी करून घेता येतोय ते यु-ट्यूब वरील लिंक्समूळे. खरोखरच प्रत्येक बापू भक्ताला त्याच्या जीवनात असे अनेक अनुभव येत असतात पण कांही गोष्टी खाजगी व कौटुंबिक असल्याने त्या प्रगटपणे मांडता येत नाहीत. तेव्हा हे अनुभव ऐकून आपल्याच आयुष्याची उजळणी होते आणि पुन्हा पुन्हा बापूंच्या प्रेमाने उर भरून येतो. श्री राम

  2. श्री बापूंचा महिमा अपरंपार आहे आणि याची प्रचीती मला प्रत्येक अनुभव ऐकताना येत राहते. कारुण्याचा सागर सदगुरू म्हणजे नक्की काय त्याचे जिवंत प्रक्टिकल म्हणजे हे अनुभव कथन. आणि याचा लाभ श्रवण भक्तीसाठी करून घेता येतोय ते यु-ट्यूब वरील लिंक्समूळे. खरोखरच प्रत्येक बापू भक्ताला त्याच्या जीवनात असे अनेक अनुभव येत असतात पण कांही गोष्टी खाजगी व कौटुंबिक असल्याने त्या प्रगटपणे मांडता येत नाहीत. तेव्हा हे अनुभव ऐकून आपल्याच आयुष्याची उजळणी होते आणि पुन्हा पुन्हा बापूंच्या प्रेमाने उर भरून येतो. श्री राम

  3. Hari Om Dada, as you rightly said this is the month of Shravan Bhakti and with these video recordings we have a so many options available to follow the Shravan Bhakti. Shree Ram for making such huge collection available.

  4. Hari Om Amazing is the experience of Dr Umralkar. Absolutely Amazing. No one has as much compassion and care that he has for his bhaktas. From all these experiences a question arises as to why should people including myself undergo terrible times and anxious moments. But these difficult times do come in our life. Life is not a bed of roses all the time. The answer is also given in the first granth of Srimad Purushartha that we have to undergo difficulties which are destined to come due to our own prarabdha. No one can stop these. Only your Sadguru has the power to alleviate your difficulty. We have read at so many instances through Shri Saisatcharitra and through various Anubhav narration by Bapu bhaktas. And all these while I thought that Doctors are the most cozy and comfortable people in the world as they have knowledge of ailments and its cure. Common man is normally naive about all these things. Now I came to know that every one of us is equally and abundantly dependent upon him [Bapuraya] alone for his grace only can take us out of all difficulties in life. Hari Om

  5. Hari Om Dada. It is really true that our self- anubhavs makes stronger bond between ourself and sadguru, sameway listening of anubhavs from our shraddhavan friends also helps us to make our Shraddha in our sadguru more & more strong.

    Hari Om

  6. Hari Om dada, Dada Bapunch gunsankiratan jeva jeva shrav karnacha chance milato tyaveli ek gosht tar aagadi prakarshane janvate ki tya gunasankiratana madhil kahina kahi tari ekhadi ashi gosht aste ashi mahiti aste ki ti mazyasathi agadi mahatvachi aste, no doubt shravan bhakti tar hotech, bhaktihi vadhatech pan hya gunsankirtana marfat bapu aaplya paryat aagadi sahaj pane pohachato tyala aaplyala je sangayache aste kiva maza ekhada problem aahe ani to sutat nahi aase jeva vatat aste teva hya gunsankirtanacha anubhav yeto, gunsankirtan shravan karta karta mala mazya problems var solution milalele astat etakach nahi tar bapu navyane kalat asto , pratek anubhavatun bapu navin prakare samjat jato....... Hari Om

  7. Hari Om Dada, You have very rightly pointed out that Anubhav Kathan not only reinforces our belief in our Sadguru but also tells us and teaches us how to respond in a challenging situation. The overwhelming response and the feedback from fellow shraddhavans only goes on to confirm this fact. Indeed we are all fortunate to witness and listen to our Param Pujya Sadguru Bapu's Charita and partake the nectar of his overflowing grace. True, we should all listen to the glories of Sadgururaya and immerse ourselves in "Shravan Bhakti" in this holy month of "Shraavan" and continue to do so in the days to come.

  8. Hari Om Dada We are indeed very blessed and fortunate to experience Anubhav of Bhaktas. Every time we see and listen to our fellow Shraddhavan's experience feels like we are seeing Sadguru Bapu Sai Leelas as enunciated in Shree Sai Satcharitra. Is there any greater example of Sadguru's Karuna and Akarun karunya than this surely not!

    The main lesson I draw from this it reinforces my belief that Sadguru is always with me and no matter however good/bad be my past Karma HE will uplift me in this life itself provided I put in honest and sincere efforts.

    Shree Ram

  9. Hari Om!

    Its indeed an experience in itself to listen to the anubhavs. Whether its is Shubhaveera Tracy's, Amitsinh from Gaziabad's, Aneemaveera's from Muscat, Dr Karnik's and so many more.

    Man is an ungrateful creature by default nature. He forgets what all He has given/done for him. Same was the case with me and last month when out of the blue I was called to narrate my anubhav- I realised during narration that when my Bapu saved us from life threatening incident what else is bigger than that to overcome Bapu's power and love. Many a times when we tell others, somewhere the lesson is for us. Such is the power of Gunasankirtan.

    I was little taken back when I saw most of the Happy Home's who's who sitting in the audience but everyone is very encouraging and supportive. My heartfelt Shree Rams to pujya Dada and his team.


    Sandeepsinh Mahajan

  10. हरी ओम दादा,

    'एक विश्वास असावा पुरता, कर्ता हर्ता गुरु ऐसा'
    ह्या वाक्यानेच नवीन वर्षाची सुरवात बापूंनी केली, ह्या श्रावण महिन्यात श्रवण भक्ती करण्याचा हा एक सुंदर पर्याय आम्हाला मिळाला. youtube द्वारे आम्ही हे अनुभव ऐकू शकतो.

    हे अनुभव ऐकतना बापुंवरील विश्वास तर दृढ होतच आहे आणि बापूंच्या वाक्याची ही प्राचीती येत आहे."आमचा बापू हळू हळू आमच्या साठी सर्व काही ठीक करत आहे". प्रत्येकाची स्पीड वेगळी आहे पण कर्ता हर्ता तोच आहे
