Monday 16 July 2012

Responses of Friends and of Followers of the Blog

Mrs. Harshada Kolte a follower of the blog has given a comment as under; which is self explanatory:

"हरि ॐ दादा, श्रीसाईसच्चरिताची खरी ओळख झाली ती प.पू बापूंच्या सान्निध्यात आल्यावर. पंचशील परीक्षेचा अभ्यास करता करता अनेक गोष्टींचा उलगडा झाला. हेमाडपंतांसारख्या श्रेष्ठ भक्ताची लेखणी आमच्या जीवनाचा विकास करून आमच्या जीवनातील उजाड रानात नंदनवन फुलू लागले . दादा तुमचा ब्लॉग सुरू झाल्या पासून हा नंदनवन अजून बहरू लागलाय. तुम्ही ब्लॉग द्वारे ओव्यांवर करत असलेले मार्गदर्शन ह्यांनी आता श्रीसाईसच्चरित वाचण्यात , एक वेगळाच आनंद मिळू लागलाय. बऱ्याचश्या गोष्टींवर नीट मनापासून विचार करावासा वाटतो. आणि त्यातून श्रीसाईसच्चरित हे नुसतेच परीक्षेचा अभ्यास करण्यासाठी न वाचता मनाला , बुद्धीला विचार करून जीवनाला वळण लावणारा एक अतिशय मोठा खजिनाच आपल्या हाती आपल्या प.पू. बापूंनी दिलाय ह्याची जाणीव होऊ लागली आहे. म्हणूनच दादा तुम्हाला नम्र विनंती की आपण अशा प्रकारचे Discussion Forum सुरु करू शकता कां? ज्याद्वारे प्रत्येक श्रद्धावान भक्ताला ह्या गोड गुरूच्या शाळेतील अमृतकण वेचायला मिळू शकतील". 

I would like to have opinion of all my friends and followers of the blog as regards to her suggestion so as to finalize next course of action.. 

For a better understanding and ready reference of all my friends I have translated the above comment in English which is as under:

"Hari om Dada!! It was only after we came to Bapu, heard Him that we actually knew what the Sai Saccharit is all about. The preparations for the Panchasheel Examination themselves were learning experiences!! This work penned by a great and eminent bhakta like Hemadpant became instrumental in bringing about progress in our lives; the barren land inside of us actually became a paradise in full blossom. And now with your blog Dada, the paradise blooms further and happier. Thanks to the guidance and explanations you give to the verses of the Saicharitra, reading the work is now an even more joyous experience than ever. I very sincerely feel the need to reflect over things. Besides, we have now become aware that the Saicharitra is not a work to be studied with the examination in mind; it is indeed an infinite treasure that Bapu has handed over to us – it is not just food for our mind and the buddhi, it contains values that we need to imbibe in order to mould our lives. And therefore Dada, may I make a request? Would it be possible to initiate a 'Discussion Forum' that will enable every shraddhavaan bhakta to savour the timeless nectar of this sweet school of my guru?"   


  1. दादा Discussion Forum सुरु करा ना

  2. हरि ॐ दादा, हो मीसुद्धा सौ. हर्षदावीरा कोलते यांच्या मताशी सहमत आहे.
    दादा माझीही तुम्हाला नम्र विनंती आहे, की आपण अशा प्रकारचे Discussion Forum सुरु केले तर आम्हा सर्वांना त्याचा लाभ मिळेल...

    sangitaveera vartak

  3. Definitely Dada.....Harshadaveera has given a very apt per my previous comments...your blogs are a further explanation as to how deep a Sadguru bhakti is.......the "verses" explained by you are a "Marga-Darshan"and a "path-opener" indeed...for all of us..and having a Discussion Forum...would definitely add more to it,
    kindly re-consider
    Hari om

  4. Hariom Dada,
    I agree with Harshadaveera Kolte.

  5. Hari Om! Dada. Even though I am very poor in Marathi language I read Mrs. Harshada Kolte caption along with her suggestion and I too feel the same.

    Amar Tracy

  6. Discussion forum is really a nice idea to implement. This will enable all shraddhavans to participate and discuss about their experiences and what they have gained after reading the holy books.

  7. Hari Om Dada..

    Totally agree with Harshadaveera. It's a very nice sugesstion.

    Discussion Forum would definitely help all shraddhavans to share various experiences and thoughts after reading the holy books.

    Hari om

  8. Hari Om,
    Its a nice thought by Harshadaveera Kolte. This will give us a new vision to read Shri Sai Satcharitra.

  9. Hari Om Dada,

    It was very sweet surprise to me when I saw your blog. Blog is very nicely designed and the content is helping us to proceed on the way of Devyan Panth. Photo gallary is also very nice and eager to see more such photos. Every day, I visit this blog to see your new post and I'm delighted to visit it time & again.

    Harshadaveera Kolte has given very nice suggestion and definitely all of us shraddhavan will be benefited if such type of Discussion Forum is started.

  10. Hari Om! and Shree Ram Harshadaveera.... u couldnt have put it better.... Dada! now we are jus waiting when where and how....

    Shree Ram

    Sandeepsinh Mahajan

  11. हरी ओम दादा,
    हर्षदावीरा कोलते यांचे विचार अतिशय perfect आहेत. बापुंनी साई सत्चारित्र वाचण्याची गोडी लावली. आधी हि घरी पारायण होतेच होते,
    पण पंचशील द्वारे त्याचे अर्थपूर्ण वाचण्याची सवय लागली आणि एका वेगळ्या जगात जाऊन पोहोचलो. कोणी किती हि हे भांडार लुटला तरी
    पण प्रयेक वेळी त्या माणसासाठी काहीतरी नवीन असताच इक्तं विशाल महासागर आहे हे. आणि हि गोष्ट फक्त साई सत्चारित्र नाही तर प्रत्येक
    ग्रंथासाठी खरी आहे. मग ते गुरुचरित्र असो किवां भगवद गीता असो. आणि ह्या भांडाराचा प्रत्येक श्रद्धावान मित्राला फायदा होण्यासाठी एक
    discussion group खूप महत्व चे आहे. ज्यात एखाद्या ओळी वर प्रत्येकाचे आपल्या परीने मांडलेले विचार असतील. ह्यानेच हा भंडार सर्वांसाठी
    खऱ्या अर्थाने खुला होईल.

  12. हरि ओम, दादा . बापूंनी श्रीसाईसच्चरिताचा अर्थ , अभ्यास खरोखर खुपच जीवनात आमुलाग्र बदल घडवुन आणू शकतो हे शिकविले, मनावर ठ्सविले, बिंबविले, आणि परमपूज्य सुचितदादा आणि तुम्ही त्याचा सखोल अर्थ उलगड्वुन दाखविलात.
    दादा, दर वर्षी अधिवेशनातुन तुम्ही यावर खूपच अमूल्य मार्गदर्शन करताच, त्यामुळे त्याची खूप आतुरतेने वाट पहाते, आणि आता तुम्ही blog वर लिहिलेल्या ओव्यांतून तर खूप मोठा आनंदाचा खजिनाच मिळत आहे. मागील खेपेस तुम्ही दामुअण्णांच्या, Doctor पिल्लेंच्या गोष्टीचा जो अर्थ समजावून दिला होता, त्याने श्रीसाईसच्चरिताचा नव्याने अर्थ ध्यानी आला कि आमच्या साई-अनिरुद्धाला खरे काय अपेक्षित आहे, आपल्या कश्या वागण्याने आपण "त्याचा" शब्द खर्या अर्थाने पाळू शकतो, पण तेच आपले चुकीचे वागणे हे ही किती सदगुरुमाऊलीला त्रास देते, आपण किती वेदना देतो "त्यांच्या" जीवाला अविश्वास दाखवून ...ह्या आणि अनंत गोष्टी दादा तुम्हीच शिकवू शकता हे १०८ % खरे, कारण तुम्ही नुसते श्रीसाईसच्चरित न वाचता ते खरोखर जिवंतपणे जगता, आचरणात आणता...
    हो, मीसुद्धा सौ. हर्षदावीरा कोलते यांच्या मताशी सहमत आहे.
    दादा माझीही तुम्हाला नम्र विनंती आहे, की आपण अशा प्रकारचे Discussion Forum सुरु केले तर आम्हा सर्वांना त्याचा लाभ मिळेल...आणि पंचशील परिक्षेला बसायला सर्व श्रद्धावानांना खूप सोपे व सहज होईल..

  13. हरी ओम दादा,
    हर्षदावीरा जे म्हणतात ते अगदी योग्य आहे. साई सतचरित हे भक्तांचे चरित्र आहे हे बापूनीच आपल्याला सांगितले आणि त्या भक्तांचे अनुकरण करून कश्या प्रकारे आपले जीवन सुंदर करायचे हे आम्ही त्यातून शिकलो. ह्या ब्लॉगद्वारे अश्या प्रकारे चर्चा घडवून आणली तर नक्कीच त्याचा सर्व श्रद्धावानांना खूप उपयोग होईल. ह्यातून जेवढी चर्चा होईल तितके साई चरित्र जास्त कळेल, उमगेल.

  14. Hari Om Dada !!!!!

    Shree Ram !!! It will be happiest moment for every one of us if such discussion forum will start !!! As each and every word of Shree Saisatcharitra consists very wider and deeper meaning and even gap between the words of Saisatcharitra have some meaning, which we unable to understand. With help of such discussion and your guidence we will able to know the deeper, hidden meanings which we unable to understand our own. And this would further help us to live our life as directed & desired by Sai and on path shown by Sai. And also help us to see and realise existance of Sai on our life-path.....Jis Jis Path par bhakta Sai ka waha khada hai Sai....!!! In light of your guidence we blind people can able to see and feel and sense Sai on our Path. Hari Om!!!

  15. Definitely Dada. Such a forum will only help us in coming to terms with the reality and increase our Bhakti towards our Sadguru.

  16. Hari Om Dada,

    I had appeared for Sai Satcharitra Exams before and had an intense desire to appear for the same again. I was hesitant to appear till today ,but i feel immense confident now that we can learn the meanings of Ovis' ,directly from you and views from others bhakta's and unreveal the hidden treasure from Sai Satcharitra through the discussion forum.It would really be an excellent channel for us if we could start the forum as suggested by Harshadaveera at the earliest.

  17. Hari Om Dada,

    I had appeared for Sai Satcharitra Exams before and had an intense desire to appear for the same again. I was hesitant to appear till today ,but i feel immense confident now that we can learn the meanings of Ovis' ,directly from you and views from others bhakta's and unreveal the hidden treasure from Sai Satcharitra through the discussion forum.It would really be an excellent channel for us if we could start the forum as suggested by Harshadaveera at the earliest.

  18. Hari Om Dada!

    Ya Panchsheel chya group baddal samajale. jagachya pathivar jenva apaan laukik arthane sadgurupasun dur asato tenva Shrisaisatccharitatil katha ani sadguturnchya lilancha adhik prakarshane anubhav tar yrtoch ,pan thav ghyavasa vatato. mala khupach anand zala ahe. Shrisaisatccharitravaril vichar aikane ani tyavar apaplya bhavanusar ani anubhavanusar discussion karane mhanaje Gurupushyamrut yogach !!! khare tar Shrisaicharitrachya abhyasatun apalyala apalya Bapurayachi kharya arthane olakh hote. Sadgurutatv samajane adhik sope tar hotech parantu mala ase vatate ki sarvat mahatvache manavar korale jate te mhanaje

    Shishyas kaisahi prasang yevo,tene na tyajava Gurudevo
    hya bhumikevar tham rahanyachi buddhi prapt hote.ani sadguruchi pratyek gosht bhaktachya mahanje apalya vikas ani kalyanasathich asate ha possitive attitude develop hoto. ani evadhe zale ki Bapurayache akaran karunya pratyek kshani janavatech. je ajachya kalat atyant avashyak ahe apalyach kalyanasathi. Hari Om!

  19. hari om Dada!! The discussion forum is an absolute dream. Bapu always says doesn't he that the Sai charitra is more a charitra of the bhaktas than it is of their sadguru Sai? The exchange of thought would on the one hand help us delve deeper into the minds of the bhaktas in the Saisachcharit and guide us in our lives as bhaktas of our Sadguru Bapu. Besides this work is an inexhaustible treasure and every time one reads it, one discovers new dimensions to the words. I very heartily second Mrs. Harshada Kolte's suggestion and I very eagerly look forward to it

  20. Hariom Dada. Will like to have discussion forum on Sai Charitra. Waiting...

  21. Hariom Dada, Want Discussion forum on Sai Charitra. Waiting...

  22. Hari Om Dada,

    I totally agree with Harshadaveera's suggestion. Such type of Discussion Forum of this blog will serve as a next step towards having deeper insight of the ocean that ShreeSaisachchaarita is.

    So I second Harshadaveera's suggestion and look forward to this discussion forum on Your blog.


  23. Archanaveera Tawde26 July 2012 at 07:50

    Hari Om Dada!

    Ya Blog baddal kalale, Kahi divas aadhich manat vichar chalu hote punha Panchasheel pariksha denya baddal, me sadhya US la aahe Laukikarthane aani kharatar tya aadhi manane hi thoda Bapun pasun door gelyavar. Garaj aahe te bhaktichya barakhadi pasunach suru karanyachi aani kon madat karel mala, Suneetaveera karande ka? ha vichar chalu asatanach tichyakadun ya blog baddal kalale aani Sai Satcharitra ya majhya Mitrache dar parat majhya sathi ughadale jail, mala parat majha hat dharun manane majhya Bapunchya javal nenyasathi asa vishwas milala.

    Hari Om...

  24. Hari om Dada,
    Saisatcchritracha Purna aabhysa karayacha asel tar he charcha satra nakki suru karayala Pahije.
